There's been a real surge in emails being received with upgrade issues, from (Openbravo POS>uniCenta oPOS, since the release of
uniCenta oPOS v3, and they appear to be firmly rooted back in Openbravo POS 2.30.2
It’s become such an issue that I've had to reconsider how much time I'm prepared to get involved.
This is what I have decided I have to do:
It's really not worthwhile overall, nor is it where I want to be, spending time fixing legacy Openbravo POS related upgrade issues when that time could be spent concentrating on improving and moving uniCenta oPOS forward. (Openbravo users wanting to transition to uniCenta oPOS – see the Tip below)
So, sorry folks; Support for Openbravo POS versions, from me personally, being upgraded to uniCenta oPOS is being withdrawn as of now.
Of course I'm not saying you shouldn’t post on any of the
forums here, absolutely not, the uniCenta oPOS Community welcomes everyone left high and dry by Openbravo's withdrawal from the market as much as it does uniCenta oPOS users. I’ll still dip into the forums though and keep an eye on the posts from time-to-time.
And, let’s face it, if you had a little spare time wouldn’t you feel really good if you could help someone with an Openbravo POS>uniCenta oPOS upgrade issue. That would be a really great thing to do. Right?
For me; Taking this stance doesn’t mean I will ever forget where uniCenta oPOS sprang from - the ashes of Openbravo POS - it's just that with over 60,000 downloads of uniCenta oPOS so far, and over 7,000 downloads in the last 30 days, it brings certain responsibilities and, well, time is a precious thing and I have to use it wisely.
Right now improving uniCenta oPOS, moving forward, adding more features and functionality is my focus. I’m sure you understand.
Tip: If you want to upgrade from Openbravo POS - install a fresh version of uniCenta oPOS and then transfer your Openbravo POS data across.
This is a great tool:
www.sql-workbench.net - and it'll get the job done for you in double-quick time!
Please don't ask for uniCenta oPOS v3.00 source code. You can't have it... yet!
The reason is simple; I've allowed two weeks for feedback after the release so I can gather up any issues that couldn't be tested here (there are just too many variables), get them sorted and then let you have the as-good-as-it-gets solid core code.